Research has shown that Americans have more heart attacks during the holidays than any other time of year.  The number of heart-related deaths also increases during this time.  While maintaining healthy habits can be challenging around the holidays, they can also be critically important for our health. Here are some tips for a heathier holiday season. 

1. Don’t put off medical attention:

First, know the signs of a heart attack listed below.  Don’t put off seeking care until after the holidays if you are not feeling well.  Taking the correct precautions early can potentially stop a heart attack in its tracks.           


  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Lightheaded or dizziness
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arms, or shoulders.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue


2. Reduce stress:

With shorter days and family gatherings, parties, and travel plans, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed this time of year. Stress increases cortisol, which increases inflammation, blood pressure, and cardiovascular events. Prioritize the festivities that have the most positive impacts.  Incorporate stress-management strategies daily like deep breathing, meditation, or even laughing more.  Carve out time for your hobby, bond with your pet, and connect with people who support you. 

3. Keep moving:

Physically, exercise has numerous cardiovascular benefits, including strengthening the heart muscle, but it also lifts mood and reduces stress, which benefits the heart.  In addition to staying active, avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time.  Get up for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of sitting.  Consider walking around the block during half time of a football game.  Remember, a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of dying from heart disease and other causes, so keep moving. 

4. Indulge in moderation:

So many events this time of year are centered around food.  If you wait all year to enjoy grandma’s famous pie, enjoy it – but have one slice, not two.  Focus on eating balanced, whole-food meals 80% of the time, then indulge the remaining 20%. Excess sugar and salt in junk and comfort foods increases inflammation and other cardiovascular risk factors. Also, be mindful of spirits. Alcohol binges have been linked to atrial fibrillation and alcohol can also raise blood pressure. Lastly, avoid skipping meals and fasting all day, then feasting at night.  

5. Don’t scrimp on sleep:

Sufficient, quality sleep is essential for a healthy heart. Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality are associated with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.  Habitual short sleep also increases the risk of cardiovascular events.  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and also a bedtime of 10pm. Most of our restorative sleep occurs between 10pm-2am, so a late bedtime could mean missing out on critical health benefits.

6. Supplements for a health holiday:

Energy support:  Res-Q Orosine (or Res-Q CardioPower)

Need a natural energy boost to get in those steps and workouts during the holidays? Res-Q Orosine will do just that.  By naturally increasing ATP production, Orosine provides steady energy to get you through your day and increased stamina for your workouts. 

Stress support:

Res-Q Stress Blocker.  The adaptogens in Res-Q Stress Blocker help to normalize cortisol levels and minimize the harmful effects of stress.  Passionflower and l-theanine are calming and reduce anxiety, common with stress. 

Heart-health Support: Omega 3s and others:

Res-Q’s pure omega 3s continue to be at the foundation of a heart healthy regimen.  Omega 3s help to optimize blood pressure, cholesterol levels, support circulation, and lower inflammation.

Res-Q CardioPower, Res-Q Orosine, Res-Q Cell Power, Res-Q Resveratrol Rewind also offer powerful cardiovascular benefits by supporting healthy blood pressure, heart rhythm, and protection against oxidative stress.   

Weight loss support: Res-Q Ideal Weight and Land n Sea Fiber:

Not only does Res-Q Ideal Weight contain clinically-proven ingredients that support weight loss, it also helps to suppress appetite.  Res-Q Land n Sea Fiber helps you to feel full and maintain steady blood sugar levels, which  prevent cravings and overeating.  Both products can be used together to prevent weight gain. 

Sleep support: Res-Q PM and Res-Q Mg:

With natural ingredients like melatonin and calming botanicals, Res-Q PM is ideal to help you fall and stay asleep.  Best of all, because it is non-habit forming, you can take it nightly throughout the entire holiday season if desired.  Magnesium, an essential mineral needed for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, is also a common deficiency and depleted by stress.  Magnesium has been clinically shown to support insomnia.  In fact, people taking it reported falling asleep faster and sleeping longer.  Consider both Res-Q Mg and Res-Q PM for optimizing sleep.


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Photo of Dr. Melissa Josselson


Dr. Melissa Josselson, ND

Dr. Josselson earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh. She then earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree (ND) from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, a 4-year graduate-level naturopathic medical school and one of five accredited schools in the U.S.